The previous generation received so much love and attention. People loved the characters, and the plots in each episode were really entertaining. The creators made a whole universe with truckloads of lore. They even ended the series on a good note, with the characters getting older and letting the next generation take over.
In spite of the great send-off the last generation gave the next generation, things went south quickly. In the New Generation version of My Little Pony, there have been a lot of plot holes and detail changes that made it seem more like a reboot than a continuation.
This is odd to see, as a reboot was never what we were told before the show began to air. Let’s dive deep into the film and explain the issues within.
Whatever Happened To Friendship?

[Image via ((Netflix)]
Moving towards the future with My Little Pony: A New Generation, we see a clip of Twilight and her friends. They are just being their magical selves and talking about friendship, as usual. The clip ends with fillies playing with the Mane Six as dolls. One of the ponies uses rarity as a cause for destruction, showing us that these new characters don’t understand the past.
One of the fillies playing with the dolls, Sunny, argues that all ponies loved each other at one point. The pony causing the destruction, Sprout, argues the story of Twilight is just a myth. Now we see the main plot and a view of how the rest of the story will play out.
This new film is based in the future (a really long time after Twilight). There is a lot more technology and many more misunderstandings and issues between ponies. Has Twilight’s death put ponies back in a dark place?
Ponies Are Segregated
Now the main characters have grown up. Sunny is seen as a nuisance because of her love for unicorns and pegasi. In this future, unicorns are seen as evil brainwashers, and pegasi are destroyers from the sky.
How exactly did this happen? Nobody knows. I am serious when I say that was the reason they gave us. Not many of the ponies in this time even knew about Twilight’s existence. I feel that since she was such an important figure, people would know about her, even thousands of years later. Right?
All three of the pony races live differently, as well. Unicorns don’t have access to great technology, unlike the others. Why? We have no idea. Earth ponies live fairly wealthily. They have a mayor and high technology. Pegasi are extremely well off and have a monarchy.
None of the ponies have communication with one another. Neither of them understands how each race works and the inner workings of their cities. Now this moves us onto the lore aspect of the My Little Pony franchise. No one knows what happened to the princesses of the past and it is never explained.
When a unicorn, Izzy, comes to visit Maretime Bay, an earth pony town, she is confused when everyone runs from her screaming. Has she been kept in the dark about the segregation? Yet, she reveals later that unicorns say earth ponies are smelly. Did the leader of the unicorns not explain the current events to their pony kind? Things are not adding up here.
My Little Pony: A New Generation Lore Does Not Match Up To The Original

[Image via (Ando Animalia)]
Princess Celestia and Luna were the main rulers of Equestria back in the day. They also had the role of raising the sun and moon. The sun and moon did not raise and lower themselves. Since Twilight Sparkle is gone, we can presume the other princesses are gone too, since they were much older. There is no information on how the sun and moon are dealt with in the future.
In My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, there was a time, thousands of years ago, when the pony races hated each other. A tale about how the three races came together after being attacked by wendigos. Unicorns never lost their magic, and pegasi never stopped flying. In My Little Pony: A New Generation, both of those events occurred. However, lore is not the only thing that has changed.
Since the film came out, people have said My Little Pony (MLP) is “woke” now. But, let’s get this straight, MLP has always been woke. The ponies have always thought about being accepting and diverse. All of a sudden, without explanation, they hate each other? I’m not even sure the ponies realize why they are separated.
Design Inconsistencies

[Image via Netflix]
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Ponies have also changed. Their cutie marks remain on only one side of the flank, and unicorn horns are different colors than their body colors.
Now, the idea of picking things up with their mouths instead of their hooves does not apply. In the past, developers took a more realistic approach. Thus, ponies can now pick things up “magically” with their hooves and no fingers.
I suppose all of the changes could be due to using a different artist, but the artist should keep things as accurate as possible if they add to an older timeline. Changing the franchise all of a sudden makes the film seem like its own story. This ends up creating a multiverse between the two storylines, which was not the original intention.
Where did the Crystals Come From?

[Image via Netflix]
These crystals were never in the original show and they show up randomly in this movie. There is no explanation as to where they came from, however. In the previous generation of My Little Pony, the Mane Six used the elements of harmony as the primary source of their powers. They were eventually destroyed by King Sombra in the episode The Beginning Of The End – Part 1.
The elements of harmony had been around for thousands of years. Princess Celestia has used them in the past on several occasions. There are six stones, and each one represents a trait of friendship. Ponies have to correspond to those traits to use them. Another thing, they all have to be used in unison.
These new crystals must be a “replacement” for the elements of harmony that appeared much later than in Twilight’s time. There is no way of knowing as of right now.
Pros Of My Little Pony: A New Generation

[Image via (Netflix)]
The songs are fun, upbeat, and keep you smiling. You can tell the creators were trying to reel in a large audience when they put in all the movie references towards the beginning of the movie. At the theater in Maretime Bay, there are references to Terminator, Jaws, and Harry Potter.
The only reason the ponies of the new generation may not know about friendship could be because it is so far into the future. Perhaps the princesses’ life lessons got cut out of the school’s curriculum. We don’t know. But the Mane Six were very important figures for years and years. It does not seem likely they would get easily forgotten about.
The creators of My Little Pony: A New Generation are different from the original creators of Friendship Is Magic. Hasbro created the previous generation, while Entertainment One Boulder Media created the newest film. The story is supposed to be on the same timeline, though.
This change in creators may have led to stylistic changes and plot holes. We hope they did their research beforehand since there is so much that happened in the past.
My Little Pony: A New Generation Is Teaching Us About Friendship
Another pro of the newest generation is that the crystals didn’t solve their problems. Sunny came to realize that the ponies need to compromise and come together for anything to change. Originally she thought the magic embedded into the crystals would save their country. Sunny found out how wrong that way of thinking is. Love is the most magical power of all.
Teaching children helpful ways to deal with friendship issues is going to shape future generations to come. Twilight and her friends were also good about adding messages like this. The elements of harmony were not always there for them.

[Image via Netflix]
The movie was adorable in many ways, but it seemed quite redundant. Ponies have already been friends; there was no problem to solve. We note historical events so that we can learn from our past mistakes. If the past is not being taught to future generations, then that could be why the issue of friendship has occurred again.
Hasbro is now releasing a new show, continuing the storyline of My Little Pony: A New Generation. The new series features all of the same characters and their brilliant bond with one another. Perhaps we will get the answers to these questions in the new upcoming episodes.
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