If you love art or crafting but you want a challenge, the games below will be perfect for you. Be warned, however. Many will involve different issues that you might not be prepared for. They can even feel very real, and get pretty insane as everything unfolds.
At the same time, they can be incredibly fun. Especially if you think outside the box and consider yourself to be creative. Ladies and gentlemen, these are the best survival games to play for the creative mind!
Ark: Survival Evolved

[Image via Studio Wildcard]
Once your avatar enters the world, you have to start life from scratch. Collecting materials from your designated map is the first thing you will want to do according to Ark experts. Certain materials mixed together will make specific items. For example, to make a fire you’ll want to grab “12 thatch, 1 flint, 16 stone, and 2 wood.”
You can also build structures, and they can be as massive as you’d like. Additionally, you can create areas for all the creatures you tame and take care of. Yes, you can literally tame and breed dinos!
Players enjoy that gamers can play on multiplayer servers, where you can either team up or kill one another. Yet alliances are most advised as everything in this game is built to be an enemy to you. This includes the very nature you see spread out across the entire game.
There are several creatures on the lands players inhabit, with different dinosaurs and other regular animals as well. Dinosaurs are usually the more dangerous creatures to face, of course. Some will attack mercilessly, while others will allow you to attack first or tame them. The nice thing about tamable animals is that you can keep them with you all the time and ride them.
Do not forget to take care of them, though. You’ll live to regret it.
No Man’s Sky

[Image via Hello Games]
In the beginning, your ship breaks down on a planet (the planet differs for literally everyone). It is your job to fix it by collecting materials as you explore the planet you’ve landed on. Once the spacecraft is ready, you can decide to leave that planet for another in the same solar system.
There are so many plants and animals to collect and tame. At last count, it would take roughly 10,000 Earth years to explore every planet in each of the galaxies within this game. Creatures differ wherever you go too. Keep your defenses up as these creatures and your environment can be your downfall.
Acid rain, storms, robots (sentinels), and others can harm you. Thus, you’ll want to make sure you craft a weapon very soon.
There are so many things that you can craft: guns, jetpacks, and even the base where you reside. Besides building advanced space tools, there are non-player-characters that you can talk with. You may not be able to understand them until you learn their language. However, you can befriend them and have them aboard your bases.
This game has tons of features and even a mysterious storyline questioning your identity. This game continues to update, so there is always something new to see. It truly is one of the best survival games you’ll ever play.

[Image via Mojang Studios]
Every world you open up is loaded with several different terrains/biomes. There are snowy mountains, jungles, and even swamps. Within these swamps, there are many creatures too, known as mobs. Some of these creatures are good, will not attack you, and are even tamable. Others will come straight for you the second you are within their sights.
You can craft several items for your protection, such as axes, swords, pickaxes, and farming tools. You also have the freedom to build whatever you want.
There are a couple of dimensions you can collect items from. However, you’ll want to beware, as there are many dangerous monsters that inhabit the areas. “The Nether,” a place filled with lava and fortresses, looks a lot like how one would describe hell to be.
Ultimately to win the game, you have to create what is known as an “End Portal.” Once you go through it, you may not return until you have killed the boss: the Ender Dragon. This boss is very difficult to kill as he can recharge his health with end crystals. Plus, if you are not into the idea of fighting for your life, there is a creative mode option where you can build in peace.

[Image via Smartly Dressed Games]
While all this creativity is amazing and all, you must be careful of other players and zombies! Make sure you stay fed, hydrated, and healthy. Seriously, don’t forget about that. Know your limits as well, as you’ll have an endurance bar that shows how tired you are and if you need anything to help you.
There are several maps that you can fight on, and within each one are hidden easter eggs that lead you through a story element.
Besides zombies and fellow players, make sure to look out for traps and nature itself. If you are swimming or underwater for too long, you will drown. Fire damage and fall damage are also possible. There are also places known as radiation zones that you’ll want to avoid if at all possible. Those zones require special equipment to survive in, so either grab some or avoid the area entirely.
The higher in elevation you travel, the more challenging the zombies get, but the loot gets better and better. The whole point of the game is to kill other players and zombies, craft powerful items, build a base, and be unbeatable. While not the most over-the-top game you’ll play, it is one of the best survival games available.

[Image via FacePunch Studios]
Players will need to learn to survive in a harsh natural environment sooner rather than later. You will need to make sure that you have the right weapons and materials before you fight anything as well. Yet you WILL end up fighting at some point, so do not assume you can be a pacifist in this world.
Rust offers a lot of creative options for players to utilize. You can build shelters however you like, and they can get pretty large. Once you build a setup for yourself, go explore. There is a whole world here with different environments you’ll certainly want to visit. All the environments are desolate and abandoned, but there may be some handy resources.
Improve your clothing and protection along with your weapons. Animals will be a big threat, but other people online can kill you and even take your stuff. Yet it works the other way too, as you can raid their bases and attack them too. You have the option to team up with your friends and build your base or take out another team’s base. There are no rules to what you do in this world.
The graphics in this game are terrific and well worth checking out. Also, the idea that you start from nothing and improve your items and way of life is super realistic. You go from breaking trees with a rock, crafting an ax, to collecting guns.
Stardew Valley

[Image via ConcernedApe]
While you are creating your functioning farm with animals and crops, you can craft special items to sell or use. There is fishing you can enjoy, and you can travel into deep mines as well as harvest crystals. The creativity doesn’t just stop there, though. You can decorate your home with lovely decorations that show your style and make the game unique to you.
Be careful when exploring the mines as there are dangerous creatures. Yet you might find something valuable along the way.
The farm isn’t the only exploring you will be doing either. There is a town next door with lots of different non-player-characters living there for you to communicate with. They may give you quests, allow you to buy things, and you can even date them. Each character has a unique personality. We’re pretty sure one of them will find your avatar just as interesting.
This game has a lot to it. There is much more of the main story that keeps players intrigued and wanting more. Thus, we feel is it one of the best survival games on the market right now.

[Image via Unknown Worlds Entertainment]
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You have to learn how to live underwater and survive the deadly aquatic creatures you are surrounded by. It is your job to learn about life on this planet while trying to stay alive.
You are forced to travel in small watercraft to different parts of the ocean. In each area, there are creatures, both good and bad. While some of these sea creatures are beautiful, others are downright horrifying. The amount of imagination that went into creating the aesthetics of these creatures is incredible. In the deeper part of the seas, the animals start glowing.
That is true to life, as light from our sun can only reach so far into the water before it no longer can. Forcing our Earthly deep-sea creatures to develop ways to see underwater OR have glowing capabilities.
When traveling the treacherous waters of Subnautica, be sure to watch your oxygen levels and definitely make sure you don’t damage your ships. The crafting system in this game is quite extensive, as you can make knives, lights, diving gear, and other watercraft that you use to take on adventures.
While you are adventuring on this vast planet, you will realize that something is wrong with it. There are a lot of questions that need answers and you must be the one to find out. Truly, this is not just one of the best survival games but one of the best overall games you can play right now. We highly recommend it.

[Image via Re-Logic & 505 Games]
You can collect any of the materials and nature around you. Players can even kill the creatures that they see as well.
However, one of the first things you need to do is build a structure. The night can be dangerous, and a house will help to protect you from slimes and other creatures. As you progress through the game, create armor and better weapons. You will need in order to fight increasingly harder bosses in the game later on.
The more resources you craft and collect, the better the crafting capabilities get. You can also mine underground and find treasures. Certain items will help with how you beat special bosses. However, you’ll need to be careful around the bosses and other hostile monsters, as they will deplete your health.
You have two things to worry about when surviving: health & magic. Fortunately, you will not have to worry about feeding yourself. This game is huge and has so many interesting-looking creatures and landscapes in it. You ultimately beat the game when you have defeated the “Moon Lord.” Once he’s defeated, this world is completely open to explore however you’d like.

[Image via Redbeet Interactive
& Axolot Games]
These materials will randomly float your way, and once you grab them, you can craft with them.
Unfortunately for you, there is a shark constantly swimming around you. Occasionally, the shark will hop up onto your raft too so you’ll want to be aware of where it is. You will need to craft a spear to kill it. The cool thing about this game is that you can make your raft even larger and more like home.
As long as you have the materials, you can make your raft as large as you want. We truly mean that as some rafts that have been created look like floating islands more than rafts.
Of course, the shark being around sucks but your character can starve to death and go thirsty too. Luckily there is a way to combat this. You can kill the shark or fish and take their meat. When you are thirsty, craft a water purifier. Hunting and water purification will need to be done regularly too.
This is one of the best survival games because it’s really not asking much from you. There aren’t any major missions or really that many rules to follow. Therefore, anyone can step in and just have fun trying to survive on a random raft.

[Image via System Era Softworks]
The story starts with your avatar traveling through space. You come across a mysterious planet, and you decide to land on it. When you land, the space pod you traveled in opens up and morphs into your special base. This base is where you will refill your oxygen and keep your materials.
There are a lot of customization options players can enjoy, such as crafting how your avatar looks down to the gear and its color.
Obviously, oxygen is really important. When you walk far enough from your base, your oxygen levels will slowly deplete. However, you can craft oxygen tanks to attach to your original tank on your back. These new tanks will extend your away time. Oxygen tanks are not the only thing you can craft though.
On these planets, you can harvest almost everything that you find. You can use the materials to create tools among other things. Collect materials such as copper, titanium, rubber, and much more and see what you can develop with them. You can even create gases!
Be warned, on these planets, many things can be fatal. Flora can hurt you when touched. Some plants release toxic acid, while others are blanketed in spikes. Besides that, storms and geysers are also an issue players must look out for.
Astroneer allows gamers to feel what it’s like to be a future astronaut and space explorer. We feel it is one of the truly best survival games available.

[Image via Trion Worlds]
The game has many vivid colors and is very Minecraft-inspired.
Your character starts off with a quick and easy tutorial, showing you how to mine, craft, mount animals, and build bases. The bases are great as they can be as big as you want, but you must have the materials to do so. There are monsters and creatures that you can fight, and since you are online, other players can help you.
If you want to play alone but still want help, you can recruit allies (small artificial creatures that fight with you). When you mine, you can find dungeons and fun areas filled with treasures.
There are tons of quests for you to complete on each of the various maps. The tasks mainly involve clearing dungeons, and it is all very fast-paced. Each of the maps looks completely different, and the further you get into the game, the better the loot. The nice thing is you won’t have to worry about feeding yourself, just your overall health.
This game has its creative and survival traits, but the colors and character design are very inventive. If you like a calming, fun, fast-paced survival, then Trove is definitely the one for you.
Stranded Deep

[Image via Beam Team Games]
The question many players will have is….how did you end up on this island?
Your character starts off as a wealthy man on a private plane. While you are flying, you go to make yourself a drink. After you sit back in your seat, you notice something is wrong, and the plane is crashing.
You land in the water in the middle of nowhere with no one around. The pilots are dead, and the only thing you have is a raft. As you float away from the burning plane, a small island pops into view, which players will head to. Now that you are on the island, you need to survive.
The whole point of this game is to adapt to your situation and find a way home. Make sure that you are fed, hydrated, and avoid any shark injuries.
This game is beautiful, and everything looks fairly realistic. You have lots of creative space within the game, as you’ll be able to can build and craft several things.
While the game does not seem like much, the content is surprising and challenging. Making it one of the best survival games for players to enjoy.
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