However, there are also plenty of powers that are highly unusual!
Let’s discuss the most creative, unique abilities of champions in the support role. This list isn’t ranked, so keep that in mind as you browse. Instead, it’s in alphabetical order going by the champions’ names.
The Unbreakable Unique Ability: Braum’s “E”
Braum valiantly raises his shield to protect himself and his allies from all incoming projectiles. He uses a physical shield, which is unique already. Shields in League usually, but not always, come in the form of Seraphine’s “Surround Sound.” They are magical auras, not physical shields.
However, Braum’s entire kit is based on his physical shield. Which makes this one of the most unique abilities in League of Legends alone
However, this is not the only way Braum’s ability is different. Another way Braum’s “E” stands out is how he uses it.
Let’s use Seraphine as another counter-example. She only needs to be within range of her allies to shield them with her W. Braum, on the other hand, needs to be perfectly positioned in front of his allies for his shield to work. This is very different from most other support characters, who typically don’t take damage at the front line.
Magical Journey: Bard’s “E”
Bard creates a portal that can travel through the terrain. Both allies and enemies can travel through this portal. Once they get to the other side, they can’t use it to return to their original position.
There are other champions who have portals and teleportation abilities, of course. However, no other champion travels through terrain with both allies and enemies! That makes this one of the most unique abilities in League of Legends today!
Bard often uses the portal to get away when being chased. It can be used to escape, although enemies can follow. In fact, if enemies follow, using this ability could create a trap! If escape isn’t the best move, Bard can also open a portal for a nearby ally. This ally can then kill enemies when they make it through the portal.
Since champions can only go through it one way, enemies have no escape. This is a very difficult ability to get right, but the reward is so worth it.
Sapling Toss: Maokai’s “E”
Maokai’s “E” is used when he throws a sapling that sticks where it lands. This sapling waits for enemies to get within range. Once they do, the saplings chase them down. Eventually, the sapling blows up, hurting and slowing enemies in its range.
Maokai often throws these saplings into bushes so enemies can’t take cover. When they approach the bush to hide, the little sapling pounces. The saplings can even outrun certain champions if they don’t have boots.
This ability does have a few similarities with other champions’ powers. For example, Teemo has his mushrooms, which are also thrown, plus it does do damage and slow enemies. What makes Maokai’s special, though, is that his samplings actively chase down other players.
Nature’s Grasp: Maokai’s Ultimate
Maokai’s ultimate unique ability sends a rolling wave of thorny roots toward enemies. If this wave catches up to enemies, it “roots” them. This means that they are unable to move for a time. However, enemies can still use auto-attacks and a few of their powers.
As with Maokai’s E mentioned above, other ultimate abilities are similar to Maokai’s. What makes Maokai’s stand out is the rooting. This can turn team fights from practically lost to winnable.
It is also one of the most unique abilities to look at. If a Maokai is on a rival team, you might find yourself running away from rolling roots, hoping they don’t catch up to you!
Monsoon: Janna’s Ultimate Unique Ability
Janna’s Monsoon creates a sparkly magical storm in a circle around her. This storm pushes enemies away from the center of the circle and heals allies within it. Thus, it gives allies a place to heal and reposition while displacing the enemy team at the same time.
Sure, throwing enemies away from you exists in other abilities. Still, monsoon is unique because Janna can throw multiple people in many directions. Other abilities throw only one person or only throw in one direction.
Monsoon forms a circle of healing as well, something other throwing powers don’t do. Thereby making her circle of healing one of the most unique abilities in League of Legends today.
Whimsy: Lulu’s Unique Ability “W”
Lulu casts this spell on an ally or an enemy. When cast on an ally, they get both attack and movement speed. When cast on a rival, they become a small forest animal. Animal enemies cannot attack or use magic. In-game, this effect is called being “polymorphed.”
Lulu’s “W” twists an already existing idea into something special. Yes, other champions also stop enemies from using their powers. This is usually called being “silenced.” Lulu’s W takes silencing up a notch by making it cute and in character for Lulu since she is a fae sorceress.
This helps create a sense of immersion for the player. It also helps create some laughs. It’s pretty funny watching Dr. Mundo (a disfigured madman) turn into a tiny, cute fox!
Ghostwater Dive: Pyke’s “W”
When this ability is used, Pyke swims underwater in “camouflage.” Enemies cannot see him if he is far away. As he gets closer, enemies start to hear his music as a warning that he is close, but still cannot see him.
As enemies enter a circle around him, an indicator appears at their feet to tell Pyke he’s visible. When Pyke is in camouflage, he also gets a lot of movement speed. This helps him both in and out of combat. Camouflage and invisibility aren’t unheard of in League, but they aren’t common either.
Camouflage is less common than invisibility. These are two very similar powers, but there are major differences. Invisibility doesn’t last as long, but those champions cannot be discovered. Camouflage lasts longer, but you can be found depending on how close they are to enemies.
Death From Below: Pyke’s Ultimate
What happens when using Death from Below? Well, Pyke jumps and dashes to enemies, killing them instantly if they are low enough on health. He marks the area he is landing on with an “X.” This power appears similar to those of Darius and Garen at first until you take a closer look.
When enemies are low in health, an indicator appears to tell Pyke that it’s time. If he kills them, he can recast it immediately and share the gold with an ally who assisted him. Sharing kill gold is an incredibly unique ability. It lets Pyke confirm kills without necessarily kill-stealing.
Being low health around a Pyke that has his ultimate available is almost certain death. This is actually one of the reasons Pyke is currently one of the most banned support champions in League of Legends.
Magnet Storm: Rell’s Ultimate
If you use Magnet Storm, Rell becomes magnetized. She drags those unlucky enough to get caught in her storm behind her wherever she goes. Magnet Storm also deals magic damage to those caught in it.
This ability is very unusual. Many powers throw enemies away, using hooks or forcefully pushing them. Rell instead drags enemies who slip into her storm. She can then drag enemies from their front line to the middle of her team. Yikes!
Can the rival team help their teammate in trouble? Not without getting caught in the storm, too! It’s a very useful and unique ability.
Hostile Takeover: Renata Glasc’s Ultimate
Renata Glasc shoots a rolling wave of chemicals. If this unique ability hits a foe, they go “berserk.” This means they start basic-attacking their own teammates. The other team can’t control what they are doing and harm each other.
Meanwhile, the ally team can strike without worrying about getting hurt themselves.
This is a very unique ability in League. Other powers affect what the enemy team can and cannot do. This could be in terms of movement, basic attacks, or abilities. However, no other ability forces enemies to turn on each other. If a Renata Glasc is on the rival team, you could end up dying from your own teammate’s attacks!
Demonic Ascension: Swain’s Ultimate Unique Ability
When Swain uses this power, he becomes a monster. This seems similar to Aatrox’s ultimate. Swain also drains the health of nearby enemies, similar to Fiddlesticks’ “W” and ultimate.
However, what makes Demonic Ascension a unique ability is its duration. Both Aatrox and Fiddlesticks have a set amount of time to use their powers. Swain’s, on the other hand, doesn’t have a time limit. As long as he’s draining enemies, it stays active.
There are only a few other timeless powers in League, such as certain champions’ camouflage. Still, this differs greatly from having the life drained out of you!
Dark Passage: Thresh’s “W”
Thresh shields his allies by throwing out a lantern to them. When allies click on the lantern, they dash to wherever Thresh is. However, Thresh doesn’t have a dash himself, as some other champions do.
Instead, he gives the option of a dash to his allies! It is quite helpful, and stands out as one of the most unique abilities in League of Legends, without a doubt.
This is especially useful for champions who don’t have any sort of dash or escape ability themselves. As long as Thresh uses it when he is in a semi-safe place, then it is very useful.
Lifeform Disintegration Ray: Vel’Koz’s Ultimate
Vel’Koz shoots a beam of energy. The player controls where it goes with their cursor. This beam travels through enemies. Hence, it can hit multiple targets at once. Not only that, but it deals magic damage: Organic Deconstruction. This means that this power ignores anything that lowers or raises damage to an enemy.
Yeah, beams in League of Legends are common enough. However, few beams are controlled by a cursor and last as long as the Lifeform Disintegration Ray. Abilities that automatically deal “true harm” also aren’t super common.
Vel’Koz, along with every other champion in League, has purchasable skins. These microtransactions change the look of the champion, however. The biggest change for Vel’Koz is the color of their beam which can be anything from classic purple to yellow.
You and Me!: Yuumi’s “W,” a Unique Ability for a Unique Champion
Yuumi is honestly one of the most unique champions in the entire game. She’s got an equally unique ability, too. In fact, her release caused a major uproar in the community. If there was one ability that can be blamed for this uproar, it was her “W”.
See, Yuumi is a magical cat that floats on a book. Her “W” attaches herself to allies with her W. She then uses her “E” on them, which heals them and gives them a speed boost.
Healing and speed boosts are everywhere in League, but attaching yourself to an ally? Not so much. When attached, Yuumi takes no damage from attacks. When her ally dies, she becomes unattached and can either flee or fight.
Chronoshift: Zilean’s Ultimate
To use his ability, Zilean first chooses an ally. Next, he puts a rune on them. Once this champion dies Chronoshift turns back time for that champion. He revives them and gives back part of their health.
There is a similar ultimate to this: Ekko’s. However, Ekko uses this on himself. Plus, he’s gotta use it before he dies. Zilean has the power to choose who receives this ability. He uses it preemptively, but for it to take effect, an ally’s gotta die.
Admittedly, Akshan also revives people. However, he must avenge his teammate, killing the person who killed them in order for this to happen. Zilean, on the other hand, just picks and chooses.
He doesn’t need to go through the extra effort of avenging his ally.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
All of these abilities have their advantages and disadvantages. When used wisely, all of these powers can also be game-changing. Many players even ban some of these champions because of their abilities! The uniqueness, though, makes the game fun and exciting.
No matter what champion you play as, you should work together and have fun on the Rift! Plus, if you want to be a true competitor, allow those with some of the most unique abilities in League of Legends too. If you end up beating them, imagine the bragging rights, right?
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