Sonic Frontiers was released in 2022 as the latest installment in a 30 year franchise. Sonic the Hedgehog raced into people’s hearts with his first game on the Sega Genesis. Since…
Everyone has a video game they remember fondly from their childhood. There are always those games that players hold in high regard regardless of what anyone might say about the…
A lot of the best tabletop games have been around as long as video games. In fact, some tabletop games have been around a lot longer. They were a great…
Are you looking for something to play this Holiday Season? Look no further, as the hottest games have begun selling at both local Gamestops and through digital downloads. Plus, you…
For many people including myself, a good boss fight is one of the best aspects of gaming. When they are well made, video game boss fights make you pause and…
Megami Tensei is a rising star in the roleplaying game genre, and now its fifth mainline game will be coming soon. Referred to as Shin Megami Tensei V, you’ll be…
We all have a certain bit of nostalgia when it comes to video games. Whether it is the fun games we used to play at the local arcade, like Pacman,…