The Teen Titans began as the sidekicks of Earth’s greatest heroes. In the 1980s Marv Wolfram and George Perez relaunched the Teen Titans from their Silver Age version. They dubbed …
The al-Ghuls are a well-written example of abuse in DC Comics. Their story is a humanized, relatable depiction of abuse passing through one family throughout several different generations. Ra’s was …
Batman is one of the most popular superheroes of all time. With dozens of movie and TV adaptations, supporting characters with enough personality to merit their own spin-offs, and theme …
There are a few things in life that will always be true. Rent is always due, weekends are too short, and Batman is awesome. However, the Dark Knight had a …
DC Comics put out one of their absolute best comic book series in history with Injustice: Gods Among Us and Injustice 2. Obviously, we know the series serve as prequels …