My Adventures with Superman premiered on Adult Swim on July 7, 2023. Notably, it’s the first animated adaptation in 23 years. This show brings Superman back into the limelight and …
DC Television
James Gunn’s DC Slate has dropped! After Gunn and Peter Safran took the reins earlier this year, DC fans have been waiting to hear what the plans are for the forthcoming …
Batman is one of the most popular superheroes of all time. With dozens of movie and TV adaptations, supporting characters with enough personality to merit their own spin-offs, and theme …
What happens when the caped crusader hangs up his cloak and cowl? Well, in 1999 Warner Brothers’ animation decided to explore just that! In Batman Beyond, we move several years …
There are a few things in life that will always be true. Rent is always due, weekends are too short, and Batman is awesome. However, the Dark Knight had a …